Travancore Analytics

Latest Trends In Enterprise Web Application

Happy Employees


Ravi B R

Today, enterprises find it difficult to run their business operations without the help of an application. Therefore, the need for managing business processes through web applications has exponentially increased in the past few years. Keeping that in mind, the trends are evolving every year to help businesses thrive on a larger scale.

Like most technologies, enterprise web applications are constantly evolving. Businesses that adapted or in the process of adapting to the latest trends of enterprise web application technologies will enjoy a significant advantage over their competitors that have not embraced the trends yet.

If you have a business and you want it to stay on top of the ladder, staying updated with the latest trends in the enterprise web application industry is vital.

Key Enterprise Web Application Trends and Benefits:

  • Significance of Speed: Speed and efficiency are two of the most important factors for enterprise web apps. How important? Well, Google is using page speed as one of its main ranking factors. If you want to rank high on Google and other search engine results. Also, load speed is convenient for the user experience.
  • Taking advantage of VR/AR: VR and AR are interactive, which means they encourage the audience’s interaction, both tend to help businesses to bring more audience, eventually more profit. e.g., if you have a retail app, use VR or AR to project and introduce your products to users. Live broadcasting of sporting events. Virtual collaboration b/w doctors. AR instructions and manuals.
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Progressive web apps are the ideal solution for those who want to offer the best user experience but cannot decide whether to go for native or mobile web applications. These apps help make cross-platform development easier, faster, and more practical. PWAs will continue to trend beyond 2021. It offers easy navigation, fast loading speeds, offline availability, and push notifications
  • Voice-based interfaces: Voice search will explode thanks to IoT. It is estimated that there will be 8 billion voice assistants in use by 2023. This technology is poised to spread to more industries in the coming years. From smart homes with voice-controlled household items to websites that allow visitors to voice-control pages. Voice search for the world of e-Commerce is quickly becoming a necessity rather than a luxury.
  • AI, Automation, Chatbots: Many of the current business processes can be automated with AI for efficient use of human resources for other important tasks. AI and Automation will work hand in hand in creating smart customer service by personalizing each customer experience. AI will help businesses to interpret the amount of data collected. AI global market is expected to be worth $57.6 billion in 2021. e.g., E-commerce site chatbots will interact with customers and provide assistance for their orders and other customer-related concerns. Healthcare bots to replace the phone call-based customer service altogether.
  • Blockchain Data Storage: By 2025, the global blockchain market is expected to be worth almost $40 billion. This is an approximate 70% increase in its “compound annual growth rate” from 2020 to 2025. If you want to enable reliable security for data and payment transactions then use blockchain technology for your enterprise web app. Blockchain distributes data across the network of computers, so protection from outside threats is guaranteed. Make blockchain technology a part of your enterprise web app if you want long-term security and efficiency.

Way forward


Assess current business workflows and use cases to determine an avenue to begin adoption of the latest trends for existing or development of new enterprise web application solutions to stay on top over the business competition with workflow automation and better customer experience.


Companies embrace the power of enterprise web applications for their business by early adopting the latest trends in enterprise web application development. 

Discovering business workflows and use cases to determine the avenue to begin adapting to the latest trends is a journey. Team Travancore Analytics is ready to collaborate in this journey to provide shape to your enterprise web application solutions by adapting the latest trends for enterprise web application development.

Watch out this space for more details on the latest technology trends!!